A true wave machine
To quote more than few: Morrillo is probably the most consistent wave in Central America. It’s a true wave machine. The risk in Morrillo isn’t if it’s gonna be flat or not, the true risk relies on if it gets too big. The bay is super sensitive to swells of any size and shape. In this magical place, you can actually surf every single day you’re here.
This is how it works: Morrillo’s main breaks (sandbars) work both in low and high tide, depending on swell size and direction.
When it’s small: You get this beautiful right (point break) peeling non-stop. It’s located in a 2 min walk from our house.
When it’s big: You can surf this left, at the left side of the bay. The left is slow to drop in, but gets faster and faster once you start to get closer to the shoreline. If conditions are TOO big, you can also surf this wonderful rivermouth pointbreak at Mariato (25-30 mins drive from our house). When it’s pumping, you’ll get tired of surfing 200 meter long waves.